These are the full Terms and Conditions for the Customer’s use of this website and for the purchasing of products through this website. Please read these carefully. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not use this website.
This website is owned and operated by No Fluff Communications and is registered in England and Wales at the following address: 37 Ashmead Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 1AA. Users of this website are bound by these Terms and Conditions and should read this document before proceeding. Use of this website and information on this website is subject to the Terms and Conditions set out in this document. By using this website, the Customer is acknowledging their consent to be bound by these Terms and
No Fluff Communications reserves, under sole discretion, the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time, without notice. Any changes will be posted within this document. By use of this website, the Customer accepts that they are bound by the Terms and Conditions as they are written in this document. The Customer should check this document regularly.
Forming a Contract
When the Customer places an order to purchase a product from this website, this order is a formal offer to purchase the mentioned product. Upon receipt of the Customer’s order, No Fluff Communications will send the Customer a confirmation email illustrating that order in detail, including the price for delivery. The confirmation email that No Fluff Communications sends is neither a guarantee nor an invoice.
A contract between the Customer and No Fluff Communications will come into existence when No Fluff Communications can charge the Customer’s credit or debit card for the purchase of the product.
All prices on this website are in £ sterling and include V.A.T. where appropriate. This website operates independently from the No Fluff Communications registered address.
No Fluff Communications makes every effort to ensure that the contents listed on this website are correct. However, errors may occur and No Fluff Communications reserves the right to alter product prices and information on this website without notice. Other reasons for price alteration may include (but are not limited to) taxation changes or other duty increases.
In the event that No Fluff Communications changes the price of an item due to an error, the following Terms apply. No Fluff Communications will inform the Customer as soon as possible of the amendment and of the correct price. The Customer may choose to fulfill their order at the correct price, or to cancel their order. If the Customer chooses to cancel their order and has already paid for the goods in question, No Fluff Communications shall refund the full amount in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
The Customer should be aware that No Fluff Communications does not consider a pricing adjustment due to a promotion, sale or other offer as an error in price, and the above Terms do not therefore apply.
No Fluff Communications is under no obligation to fulfill an order for a product that was advertised at an erroneous price or description.
Ownership of goods does not pass into the hands of the Customer until No Fluff Communications has received full payment.
Right to Cancel
In the event that the Customer wishes to cancel their order, the Customer must inform No Fluff Communications in writing. It is also possible to send an email to hello@nofluffcommunications.co.uk. This does not apply to digital downloads.
Should the Customer invoke their right to cancel, the following Terms apply:
​If No Fluff Communications has not yet dispatched the product, No Fluff Communications will cancel the Customer’s order and a refund will be applied. If No Fluff Communications has already dispatched the product, the Customer should contact hello@nofluffcommunications.co.uk.
​In this instance, the Customer undertakes the responsibility to return that product to No Fluff Communications. No Fluff Communications will refund the cost of the item, but will not refund any postal charges paid by the Customer as part of their initial order.
The Customer must return the item to No Fluff Communications within 14 days of receipt to qualify for a refund.
​​Links to Other Sites
​The No Fluff Communications website contains links to external sites. Such links are not in any way an endorsement by, or an affiliation with, No Fluff Communications. No Fluff Communications does not accept responsibility for the content of any external sites. Any goods that the Customer orders from another website are subject to the Terms and Conditions of that website and No Fluff Communications has no liability to the Customer in respect of that website nor any goods or services the Customer obtains through its use.
Other websites are not subject to the Privacy Policy of No Fluff Communications and may collect data or solicit personal information from the Customer.
Intellectual Property
All content of this website is the property of No Fluff Communications and is protected by intellectual property and copyright laws. The Customer may access any part of this website and download or copy material for personal use only. The Customer may not download or copy material for use in conjunction with any other website or business. No Fluff Communications retains the copyright for such material, or, where the owners of the material have licensed that material to No Fluff Communications, the copyright is retained by the owners themselves.
​The customer may not remove any copyright, trademark or intellectual property notice contained in original material from any material downloaded from this website.
All trademarks appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners. Use of these trademarks is forbidden unless written permission is obtained from the owner of the trademark.
Data Protection
Personal details provided by the Customer to No Fluff Communications through this website will only be used in accordance with the Privacy Policy of No Fluff Communications. The Customer should read the Privacy Policy before using this website. By providing personal details to No Fluff Communications, the Customer is consenting to the use of those details in accordance with the No Fluff Communications as laid out on this site.​
We may use your personal information to send you information by electronic or other means, about marketing and related services, events, special offers and promotions and other services available from us. You have the right to ask us not to use your personal information for direct marketing purposes. If you do not wish to receive marketing material from us, please contact No Fluff Communications at the registered address or email hello@nofluffcommunications.co.uk.
Other Information
​The Customer must be over 18 years of age to buy product from this website.
No Fluff Communications reserves the right to correct any errors on this website, including description and image. No Fluff Communications reserve the right to refuse or cancel any website order based on an incorrect description or image. These corrections may be made after the Customer’s order has been acknowledged.
No Fluff Communications reserves the right to decline to supply any individual or company without explanation.
No Fluff Communications reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Customer’s use of this website at any time without explanation.
It is a crime to use a false name or a known invalid credit or debit card number to attempt to order from this website. No Fluff Communications will prosecute any Customer caught willfully entering a fictitious order to the fullest extent of the law.
If any single provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid by a Court of Law, the invalidity of that single provision will not affect the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions, which will continue to have full effect.
The failure of No Fluff Communications to exercise any right or remedy under these Terms and Conditions does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy.
These Terms and Conditions shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the relevant United Kingdom Law. The Courts of the United Kingdom will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, dispute or other matter arising from these Terms and Conditions, the Customer’s use of this website or the supply of the product by No Fluff Communications.
Document last reviewed: 29/03/2018